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Prof.Dr. Konul Bunyadzade



(Transcendentalism Overturned. Ed. by A.-T. Tymieniecka // Analecta Husserliana, Vol. 108, Hardcover, Springer, 2011. XV, pp. 561-571.)


         Beauty and wisdom are, in point of fact, manifestations of the One Idea (Unity of Idea). Note that these manifestations are not coincidental, they do exist: responding to these manifestations are philosophical trends, teachings and works of art. The human being unveils manifestations of this concept, so he cannot evade it, for one of its branches stems from the very essence of man. In other words, in case where man enters into harmony with the beauty and wisdom that surround him (he is needing a lot of it), he uncovers the truths of the One Idea. The One Idea is integrally associated with the Absolute Being to personify His beauty, grandeur, resplendence and other attributes. Every being is related to the world of Ideas, which accumulate in itself different relative ideas, diverse feature, because all ideas belong to it. For this reason, traces of the beauty and wisdom above are occasionally detected within any essence created. The One Idea is a Creative force which gives birth not only to other ideas but also realizes and materializes the images of these ideas, synthesizing them. It is naturally determined that man as a creative factor contributing to the sustainability of the Creation is in the lowermost scale of ranks. That is one more argument in favor of the fact that the heavens and land are indissolubly tied. The Creation process is an implementation of the One Idea. In other words, the One Idea (Unity of Idea) is in perpetual motion with its new and new forms of personification.

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